Admission Process

Once a family has been selected and accepted the offer, the family must submit a one-time deposit and sign an annual contract to secure admission. At this point, the child is admitted into UNOW for the signed contract period. If a family declines the admission after providing the deposit, the deposit will not be refunded. If a family breaks their contract, UNOW will retain the deposit and the family will be responsible for the remainder of the tuition or until the space is filled by another child. Otherwise, the deposit rolls over each year until the child completes their final academic contract term at which time the deposit is prorated or refunded. 

Contract Options

Families will be expected to sign a minimum 10 month contract each year. 

  • Academic Contract – Mid-August to the end of the academic year (usually near end of May/ beginning of June). In March or thereabouts, families may choose to add the first half or second half of an 8 week summer session with a guaranteed spot if submitted by the deadline. 

Modified or shortened contracts may be permitted within a given program year and at the discretion of the director and with the support of Princeton University.  Any modified contract is not guaranteed from year to year. Contract modifications may require additional fees. 

* See Tuition page for current rates and fees